Dates that Don’t Break the Bank

It is so easy for “date night” to get lost amongst the business of life. Sometimes, it’s easy to assume sitting together at the end of a long day watching episodes of The Office is considered all the connecting you need. However, it is so important to make the time to invest in your relationship regularly outside of the normal day-to-day activities you do. It’s also easy to make the excuse that date night can get expensive, which doesn’t always have to be the case. My husband and I came up with a list of dates we love to do that don’t cost more than $30 and can be done any night of the week!

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Madeline Grace

Testimony means evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something. A testimony is usually a story. I have a story. You have a story. We all have a story that is evidence of something. Many of these stories prove the existence of human imperfection. However, they also prove something that is bigger than our own flaws. Can you see this in your own story? It’s there, whether you see it or not. He is there. He is evident in your story. In this vulnerable story, Madeline Grace Larson shares the proof of Him, the God of gods, in her life. Keep reading to witness her Testimony and how God showed up in her life.

What has been a Goliath in your life? How have you dealt with that?

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Tips for Traveling on a Budget!

About 3 months before our anniversary, my husband and I booked a trip to celebrate in Paso Robles. As it crept closer, our budget just grew tighter. Because we would not be able to get our money back in full, we decided to continue with our plans and just plan well! I am so grateful we had chosen to visit Paso because as it turns out, this is the perfect place to go when on a budget! I’ve provided a few tips on how to tackle Paso + keep things affordable along with a few of our favorite spots. Keep reading to check it out!

IMG_2215_Facetune_03-06-2018-15-18-40 Continue reading “Tips for Traveling on a Budget!”